Thursday, August 21, 2008

Presidential Thoughts

What are your thoughts on the current campaign? What excites you? Frustrates you?


Mrs. Zerwas said...
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David said...

Firsties! Now on to the OP, I don't know a whole lot about the campaign but what I do know is that no candidate has really answered the current financial crisis and that to me is the most important issue.

David Maginnis

carina schmelzer said...

I find it frustrating that neither candidate has talked about global warming, or very much about the environment. And also they've just been smearing one another and not explaining how they're going to take care of our country,...personally, i'm going to vote for Obama because he is the lesser of two evils...McCain is a military biggot and his beliefs and foreign policies are similar to good ol' mr. george w. bush's...which is depressing.

sean stoyanowski said...

What frustrates me is that i see negative campaign ads from the candidates instead of them talking about what they will do help fix our countrys important problems.

Nick Cazel said...

i think that if Obama gets elected and removes our troops from afganistan and iraq, the deaths of our soldiers will have been in vain. regardless of what the liberal media says, the quality of life in iraq is much better than it was only a few short years ago. though we didnt find WMDs (our original reason for invading iraq) i feel like our government did the RIGHT thing even if it was for the wrong reasons. McCain is a strong supporter of what our boys in uniform are doing in iraq and Afganistan. i think that if we were to pull all our troops out of the Middle East it would give terrorists the impression that they can outlast us; however, if our next president took a stronger stand and increased the number of troops over seas we could quickly regain the parts of Afganistan under Taliban rule and send a clear message to all terrorists and their sympathizers. "WE WON'T BACK DOWN"

Nick Cazel

felicia said...

To be honest i really dont know much at all if not anything about the campaign, just not into that stuff yet.

Felicia herman

kcosbie said...

Kristie Cosbie

I'm not going to lie I really haven't been following the elections, but either way the election goes I believe our country will be in much better shape than we are currently with Bush as our President. So I do find it exciting that Bush will no longer be our President. It also exciting that the closer we get to the elections it seems as though the gas is getting cheaper, is this a coincidence? I just hope that whoever is elected can improve our countries current economical situation. I am very disappointed with all the negative campaigning because we are hearing about how horrible each of the candidates are, I mean one of these men will be leading our country soon.
Kristie Cosbie

Amee said...

I haven't been keeping track of anything that's been going on--but I was very excited when I found out that the Democrats nominated Obama and Clinton for their representatives. It was a nice change to see a woman as well as a black man working to become our national representative instead of the "usual" white man.

Amee Catalano

Jordan DuBois said...

Im excited to see the debates because I want to see what the canidates say about the important issues

Trevor Eldred said...

I really haven't paid much attention to the campaign. I think Mccains a little old to be running. Seriously hes like 1000 years old, who wants a president that wears adult diapers? he was a P.O.W., he can't really be all that sain. And Obama whats with the HUGE ears? I think hes going to start flapping them one day and fly away.

Trevor Eldred

viva la bush said...

To be honest I lost interest after Mitt Romney suspended his campaign. But now I don't know. I feel bad for Bush. He has to put up with so much crap. He's our president, there's no getting around it so why not support his decisions. So this upcoming election i'm setting my foot down and re-electing Bush. Screw this whole 2 term max crap. Your my boy Bush, don't you forget it!
-Matt Leak-

Dallin Knecht said...

Obama's promises of a "changed" America are unreliable. He has no experience. He has never been in charge of anything remotely close to what he will be faced if elected.

Then again, McCain is 14376 years old. He has scary views on foreign policies, and is a flip-flopper.

Obama will win, because America is fed up with Bush's policies, and McCain is too similar.

If I could vote, I wouldn't.
Obama will turn us into a socialist nation, and McCain will start WWIII.

Also, I heard John McCain eats live children for breakfast.

shireen said...

I have taken more interest in the presidential elections this year then any other year. I think it could be the fact that problems like our current economic crisis has taken strong effect in our country. But what surprised me about this year is that alot of younger people are taking more interest in our future president, which is a comforting feeling considering the fact that our generation seems to have the reputation of being careless when it come to politics. Anyway Ralph Nader is amazing and although he runs every year and never wins I still have faith in him and the green party.

Shireen Muhareb

shane rand tha bosss said...

well im going to be completely honest and start off by saying i havent paid a whole lot of attention to the presidential election. but, im confident when i say that whoever is elected our next prez will do a good enough job because dont you have to be kinda smart ppshh??

actually now that i think about it, doesnt obama have like "skeletons in his closet" thats all i hear about him, but i dont really know for myself so i dont know what to believe, so he cant be trusted.

mccain iss super similar to bush and hes super yeah i dont even know but i know that whoever wins the world will complain either way so im over it.

and addressing matt leaks thought (wongaaaa) why DOES everyone hate on bush so much it gets super old like get over it hes the president, and its going to happen again whether its obama or mccain people will be angry....

love, shane rand

ps - ya dahlin i actually heard that too tru story ya digg??

DaBeast said...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I am completly oblivious to what is going on with this election.. i mean who cares i can vote anyways. I think that Barrack has some rumors going around that he is friends with all the people in Iraq. That should be thouroughly investigated so that national security isnt ruined. I dont kno anything really. Does anybody know the details about barrack and his affiliation with the enemy? Oh ya and John Mcain is OOOOOOLLDDD

Casey Schumacher zzzzzzzzzz
Posted by DaBeast at 8:27 PM 0 comments

DaBeast said...

i think Hilary should still be in the campaine because i think it is time for a women to run the country..

Kaylie Zeidler

furgie said...

Obamas wife made a very compelling speech last night on how women should be equally paid and strive to do their best. Even though I am a republican the speech was well written.

furgie said...

Obamas wife made a very compelling speech on how women should be equally paid and strive to do their best. Even though I am a Republican the speech was well written.
-cami furgeson

furgie said...

Obamas wife made a very compelling speech on how women should be equally paid and strive to do their best. Even though I am a Republican the speech was well written.
-cami furgeson

furgie said...

Obamas wife made a very compelling speech on how women should be equally paid and strive to do their best. Even though I am a Republican the speech was well written.
-cami furgeson

NIC ANDERSON YAY YAY!! said... not the specialist on the topic..but um haha i thinkk that if obama gets elected then he shall remove all the troops in iraq. Which is bad because all of the soldiers deaths would be in vain and they should finish what they started. I am all for McCain because he supports the troops in Iraq. I think McCain is a better canidate for a couple of reasons. He has been around longer and has more experience. He has served our country. He is an all around American. Who couldn't love haha i no idea what im saying but yah i hope thats a blog


Nic Anderson not the specialist on the topic..but um haha i thinkk that if obama gets elected then he shall remove all the troops in iraq. Which is bad because all of the soldiers deaths would be in vain and they should finish what they started. I am all for McCain because he supports the troops in Iraq. I think McCain is a better canidate for a couple of reasons. He has been around longer and has more experience. He has served our country. He is an all around American. Who couldn't love haha i no idea what im saying but yah i hope thats a blog -Nic Anderson

Lane Morgan said...

In regard to the whole election I find it a little strange. During the primaries the Democratic Party ripped one another to shreds by releasing photos (ect). Yet Hilary Clinton announced today that "Barack Obama is my candidate", adding that democrats could ill afford to sit at home and let another Republican ruin the economy. Also I have yet to understand what John McCain stands for.

Seth Meyer said...

I don't really know anything about the elections, the only thing I've really noticed is that they seem to be more focused on attacking each other than proving that they are capable of running the country.

ashleymac said...

I really dont no what to say about this presidential election but I would prefer Obama to win this election. But I am very unsure about the iraq war both of there ideas are really sketchy and could be dangerous for our country
~Ashley McAnally~

ashleymac said...

I don't really know too much about where any of the candidates stand on their positions, or what they truly stand for. But I think this election is very exciting in that it could make major history.
-Jana McGrath

Anonymous said...

i havent been paying too much atention to everything thats been going down between the two, but i feel like i know enough info to make a reasonable vote/choice. I think both are mislead and have many untrue things said about them althought this is the case in every election. i dont think either will be an exception leader of this nation however i would trust my vote in the republican party. I stand on the republican side of arguments so i have more faith in McCain.

Lara Abelar

kellyconnor said...

To be honest, I really haven't been keeping track of the 2008 elections. However, I think that any opinions that I have, have most likely been influenced by my parents views. Although one thing that I have been seeing and hearing a lot about, is the negative campaigning coming from both parties. Which I believe is not the civilized way to be run your campaign. Other than that, i can say that I am not really knowledgeable on the 2008 presidential campaign.

kelly connor

Phil said...

what fustrates me is the economic crises were going through, however im not very exited about either McCain or Obama, if Obama gets elected he will drop out of the war and take a defeat from Iraq, and if McCain is elected there will be a World War 3. Although anyone is better than George Bush

Phil said...

what fustrates me is the economic crises were going through, however im not very exited about either McCain or Obama, if Obama gets elected he will drop out of the war and take a defeat from Iraq, and if McCain is elected there will be a World War 3. Although anyone is better than George Bush
-Philip Fredinburg

Jen_00 said...
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Jen_00 said...

Honestly, i have not been following this at except for the current event in our class. I really have no interest or desire to know about it because i am not of age to vote and i really don't think i will vote when i'm 18.

***What the heck happened to all the independant women?!

Jen Condo!!!

Nicole Zehnder said...

i dont follow the campaign too much but if i had to choose i would probably be on McCains side only because my parents are voting for him and he supports our troops.
nicole zehnder

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see an election that younger people are actually getting involved with. I think this election there will be a record number of people voting.

Tucker Mowry

Asia said...

I have always remained politically neutral so i will never participate in an election, but hearing it from both sides, the policies of McCain and Obama dont seem very different except for the situation in Iraq. McCain is influenced by his military background, but he really has some liberal views when it comes to other things. i dont think either will make a huge difference on topics like global warming or housing; they arent making plans for this right now because they are too caught up in the war topic.

Kiri Sanchez

Asia said...

also sorry about the "Asia" thing but i cannot make my acct. work so i am using my sister's

Ryan Johnston said...

As far as the campaign goes i'm glad to see Joe Bidan as Obama's running mate. Someone was wondering why Hilary is now endorsing Obama after she said some poor things about him. The candidates try to win the nomination for themselves and try to win the election for the party.
I noticed some people want the budget and economic crisis fixed as well as the war to continue. Think that the economy and the war might have some correlation? We're spending money on the war faster than we can barrow it.
Pulling the troops out now would mean those who died, died in vain? If our being there has "improved quality of life" for Iraqis then our soldiers have not died in vain regardless of a withdrawal. What are we doing in Iraq? We are not fighting Al Qaeda or the Taliban, we are fighting Iraqi citizens opposed to our imperialist presence. Do they want us there? 51% of the population support attacks on coalition forces. Their prime minister wants a date set for the US withdrawal from Iraq. It doesn't seem like anyone has a plan for the steps to victory and the reconstruction after. With no end in sight you have to ask, when do you cut your losses? I guess it will depend on who gets elected.

Ashlee said...

I honestly havent paid the slightest amount of attention to the election. So I have nothing to form an opinion off of.

Ashlee Wheeler.

Katy Sauer said...

Being that Im 18 this years election is important to me because I get to vote. Politic's are not my first choice of conversation. For this election I have been going on what I read or hear from peers about the canidates.

The Frosts said...

The whole thing is stupid, immature and annoying. A Presidental campaign is suppose to show what you want to do for the country and to be positive about what is going on. To mention all the problems that they would like to fix and list the stuff that they can actually do things about or at least try. It's suppose to be a mature thing and it's not. They are just smearing one another and although I can vote this year my loyalty is split. There are things from both Obama and McCain that I don't like. I don't know who I will vote for but I when I figure it out it will be a very educated vote.