Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do Politicians Lie Intentionally?

Do you think that politicians lie? What types of lies are acceptable? What types of lies are not acceptable? Is it democratic to allow a politician to lie themselves into a political position?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bias in the Media

"We make our own decisions about what we consider newsworthy. We are not garment workers measuring our product every day to fulfill somebody's quota. That means as editors we decide what we think is important, because that's what our readers look for us to do -- not to adhere to some arbitrary standard.
"The nomination of the first African American presidential nominee after a bitter primary campaign and his efforts to unite a party afterward were simply more newsworthy than a candidate whose nomination was already assured and who spent much of that time raising money. In the end, we can and should be judged on the fairness of our coverage, but that is a judgment that must be made over the course of the whole campaign, not a single period of time."

Bill Hamilton Assistant Political Editor of the Washington Post

Read the following article and discuss how this assumed bias fits into our country's firm belief in fairness and justice and also freedom of speech and press. Be sure to include comments on the article and include your thoughts and opinions on media bias. For full credit you must also include commentary on News War or one of the two articles we discussed in class dealing with media bias.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Presidential Thoughts


What are your thoughts on the current campaign? What excites you? Frustrates you?